Among several outcomes of establishing positive psychology is the character strengths construct, and the emerging literature offers much support for its usefulness in the workplace. This study explored the effect of character strengths (CS) and person-organisation fit (POF) on prosocial behaviour at work (PSBW) and whether POF moderates the relationship between CS and PSBW. The study was cross-sectional and quantitative, using self-report measures. Data were collected from 246 employees in public and private organisations. The participants comprised 51.2% men, 63.4% married, with an average age of 34.95 (SD = 10.10). The regression analysis adopted for hypothesis testing showed that CS and POF are significant predictors of PSBW and that the interaction of CS and POF does not occur in PSBW. It was concluded that while CS and POF can improve PSWB, the character traits of CS do not need a match between the person and the organisation to impact PSBW positively. Therefore, HRM practitioners should promote CS and POF to improve PSBW, which has much potential for effective organisational functioning.