The lips play an important role in evaluating and recognizing the craniofacial complex and our perception of facial beauty and attractiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric measurements of the lips of Turkish young adults and to look for sexual dimorphism. Anterior view photographs were taken of 100 females and 100 males who volunteered to participate in the study. Seven landmarks were determined, stomion (st), sublabiale (sl), subnasale (sn), labiale superius (ls), labiale inferius (li), crista philtre (cp), and chelion (ch). Then, using these landmarks, lower lip height (st-sl), upper lip height (sn-st), philtrum length (sn-ls), upper vermilion height (ls-st), lower vermilion height (li-st), cutaneous lower lip height (li-sl), philtrum width (cp-cp), and mouth width (ch-ch) were measured. It was observed that there was a statistical difference between genders in the parameters of st-sl, sn-st, sn-ls, li-sl, and ch-ch (P ¼ 0.001, for these parameters). Besides, using these distances, 6 anthropometric ratios (ls-st/li-st, sn-ls/ls-st, li-sl/li-st, sn-st/st-sl, cp-cp/ch-ch, and ls-li/ch-ch) were calculated. Among the ratios investigated, sn-ls/ls-st, li-sl/li-st, and cp-cp/ch-ch were statistically significantly larger in males compared females (P ¼ 0.012, P ¼ 0.002, and P ¼ 0.001, respectively). We believe that the results obtained in this study regarding lip anthropometry will help determine the standard values that can be used for the Turkish population aged 18 to 25.