I . Rat sucklings (18-d-old) bred from vitamin BIZ-deprived dams were compared with vitamin 2. The vitamin B,,-deficient rat sucklings had lower body-weight, liver weight and brain weight. 3. Vitamin BIZ deficiency was also evident from the tenfold lower concentrations of vitamin Bla in liver and cerebellum.4. The concentration of liver lipid was markedly increased in vitamin B1,-deficient rats; triacylglycerol accounted for most of the increase. In brain the lipid concentration was slightly decreased (P < 0.05). , 19p), the effects of vitamin B,, deficiency on fatty acid synthesis from 3H,0 have now been studied in 18-d-old rats. No changes in the rate of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis could be observed in vitamin B,, deficiency although significant effects on tissue lipid concentrations were evident. The inhibition of methionine synthesis in vitamin B,,-deficient adult rats is probably the cause of a decreased methylation of ethanolamine phosphoglyceride and a slight decrease in the proportion of choline phosphoglyceride in liver (Akesson et al. 1978). These observations were confirmed in rat sucklings where corresponding changes were demonstrated also in brain.