195 0 THIS WORK, DENSITOMETER THIS WORK .]MTL BALANCE 0 METCALFEIRABY -0 CREEK &-0 3 2300-2 n E v) W a: w' n 0 oo 0 0 0 0 v) 0 I 2200-2100-fl 0 m 0 % -3 0 * 0 0 I , , , , l , , , , I # # # J l L Figure 4. Comparison of phase density measurements. ment with Metcalfe and Raby at 2200 psia.For vapor densities, the present results agree very well with Creek's data at 2285 psia and above (differences less than 0.002 g/cm3), with larger differences at lower pressures. The estimated uncertainty in our material balance densities is 0.005 g/cm3 ( N 0.8 %). Two separate runs were made, which generally deviate in opposite directions from our densitometer results. The average of the two material balance runs differs by no more than 0.002 g/cm3 from the densitometer results.Probably the major conclusion to be drawn from the above analyses is that various investigators are likely to produce saturated-phase densities that are consistent to no better than about 1 %. Glossary A,, B,, f L m m L m v parameters in eq Al-A4 volume fraction liquid in equilibrium cell total mass in equilibrium cell mass of liquid in' equilibrium cell mass of vapor in equilibrium cell GI P P' V Y Y Z C PC X pressure critical pressure scaled pressure, (Pc -P ) / P c total volume of equilibrium cell liquid-phase mole fraction vapor-phase mole fraction general experimental variable critical composition (mole fraction) Greek Letters a, @, v Y interfacial tension t Y PL liquid-phase density PV vapor-phase density P c critical density AP 4 general "order parameter" scaling-law parameters (critical indices) uncertainty in measured variable Y liquid-phase density minus vapor-phase density Registry No. C02, 124-38-9; tetradecane, 629-59-4. Literature Cited (1) Hsu, Jack J. C.; Nagarajan, N.; Robinson, Jr., R. L. J : Chem. Eng. Reagents Results of the experimental determination of isobaric Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS) was supplied by CIECH, Gliwice. After purification it had bp 100.8-101 OC, dm4 = 0.7634 g ~m -~, and n2OO = 1.3777. Dimethyl sulfoxide had bp 189.0 OC, dZo4 = 1.008 g ~m -~, and nzo0 = 1.4779. Ethanol boiled at 78.3 OC and had d204 = vapor-liquid equiilbrium data for the binary systems hexamethyldisiioxane (HMDS) with ethanol and ethanol with dlmethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are reported. This work is a continuation of studles on phase equilibria in binary systems ( 1-6 ).