Abstract. We present recent results from no-core configuration interaction calculations for 8 Be,10 Be, and 12 Be using the phenomenological two-body interaction JISP16. We calculate the binding energies of the ground state and the excitation energies of the low-lying positiveparity states. We discuss the contributions from the proton and neutron intrinsic spin and orbital motion to the total spin for several states, and use this to identify states which may be dominated by α-cluster configurations. In addition, we also calculate other observables such as dipole and quadrupole moments, as well as transition rates for select E2 transitions.
No-Core Configuration Interaction approachConfiguration Interaction (CI) methods have been used in recent years to make increasingly accurate large scale ab initio calculations in nuclear structure, see e.g. Refs. [1, 2] and references therein. In this method, the many-body Schrödinger equationbecomes a large sparse matrix problem with eigenvalues E i . Improved algorithms to construct this matrix and to determine its lowest eigenstates, as well as efficient use of increasing computational resources are critical for these successes [3,4,5,6,7,8].In the No-Core CI (NCCI) approach [1, 2, 9] the wavefunction Ψ of a nucleus consisting of A nucleons (protons and neutrons) is expanded in an A-body basis of Slater determinants Φ k of single-particle wavefunctions φ nljm ( r)and A the antisymmetrization operation. Conventionally, one uses a harmonic oscillator (HO) basis for the singleparticle wavefunctions, but it is straightforward to extend this approach to a more general single-particle basis [10]. The single-particle wavefunctions are labelled by the quantum numbers n, l, j, and m, where n and l are the radial and orbital HO quantum numbers, with N i = 2n i + l i the number of HO quanta; j is the total single-particle spin, and m its projection along the z-axis. The many-body basis states Φ k have well-defined total spin-projection, which is simply the sum of m i of the single-particle states, M = m i (hence the name M -scheme), but they do not have a well-defined total spin J. Some of the benefits of this scheme is that it is straightforward to implement, and that in two runs (one for positive and one for negative parity), we get the complete low-lying spectrum, including the ground state, even if the spin of the ground state is not known a priori.