The Canadian Malartic world-class low grade, large tonnage gold deposit is located in the southeastern Superior Province of Canada. With reserves estimated at 6.38 Moz Au grading 1.10 g/t Au, it is currently the largest open pit mine in the Abitibi gold camp. The deposit is hosted predominantly by Pontiac Group metasedimentary rocks, Piché Group metavolcanic rocks, and quartz monzodiorite porphyritic intrusions. Stockwork-disseminated gold mineralization generally consists of a low-grade envelope of disseminated pyritic ore (0.35 to 1 g/t Au) grading inwards into higher grade (>1 g/t Au) stockwork and breccia zones. Hydrothermal alteration in the metasedimentary rocks displays a consistent zonation with distance from the main fluid pathways. Proximal alteration is characterized by a microcline±albite-quartz replacement-type assemblage, with lesser phlogopite, calcite±Fe-dolomite, pyrite and rutile. The distal alteration assemblage is dominated by biotite, microcline±albite, phengite, quartz, calcite, pyrite and rutile. In this study, a lithogeochemical approach is used to assess the magnitude and distribution of fluid-rock interaction in the metasedimentary rocks of the Malartic district. The metaturbidites are separated into four sub-lithologies according to grain size characteristics to reduce the effects of primary depositional processes on mass change calculations. Despite the variability in protolith compositions, the metasedimentary rocks define a geochemically consistent, cogenetic sequence. The results of the mass transfer calculations indicate progressive gains in C-S-K2O and LOI, as well as Au-Te-W-Ag±(As-Be-Sb-Bi-Mo-Pb) from background, through distal to proximal alteration zones (relative to least altered samples). Molar element ratio analysis (alkali/aluminium) indicates an increase in alkali metasomatism (K and Na) adjacent to the fluid pathways, which is manifested by the progressive stabilization of microcline and albite (at the expense of biotite and white mica). Ore-associated pathfinder elements delineate broad enrichment patterns around the deposit, and can be used to outline hydrothermal fluid circulations in the Malartic district. A statistical approach based on the comparison of the mass balance results with the background composition provides robust constraints on the magnitude and extent of the lithogeochemical haloes. Most alteration envelopes extend along the S2 fabric, and the largest lithogeochemical anomalies (e.g., Au, W, Te and Ag) reach up to 10 kilometers in length, and 2 kilometers in width. These observations demonstrate that whole-rock lithogeochemistry provides a valuable vectoring tool toward gold mineralization in a regional exploration context.