THE curariform action of the quaternary ammonium salts was recognised by Crum Brown and Fraser in the remarkable researches which they carried out in 1869. Ever since that date these salts have been a favourite subject for pharmacological investigations, and consequently the literature is very extensive. It has, however, been summarised by Trendelenburg [1923], Kulz [1923], Gasser [1930], and Ing [1936]. Furthermore, most of the pharmacological actions of these salts are well established, and hence references will be only given regarding points of special importance.The author has studied the actions on a variety of isolated muscles of four series of compounds, namely (i) the series Me4.N, Me3EtN, etc., which is termed the Me3.N.R series; (ii) the series Me4.N, Et4.N, etc.; (iii) Me4N, Me3EtN, Me2Et2N, etc.; (iv) Me3.N.Phen, Me3N.CH2Phen, Me3N-CH2-CH2-Phen.METHODS. The following isolated muscles were used: (a) Frog's auricle, (b) frog's rectus abdominis, (c) rat's gut, (d) dorsal muscle of leech.These preparations were used immersed in Ringer's fluid, Tyrode's fluid, or Locke's fluid modified for the leech, and their isotonic movements were recorded in the usual manner.(a) The following technique was employed in the case of the frog's auricle. Rana esc. Hung. were used, and a strip of auricle free from sinus was isolated and driven at about 12 contractions per minute by break induction shocks. The Ringer's fluid had the percentage composition: NaCl 0 65; KCi 002; CaCl2 0'018; Na2HPO4 0 05 (pH 7.5).The movements were recorded by a light lever on smoked paper. This preparation was found to be very suitable for comparative quantitative estimations of the action of drugs which produced depression of the mechanical response.(b) Frog's rectus abdominis, (c) rat's gut, and (d) dorsal muscle of leech.Standard techniques [Gaddum, 1936] were employed with these