A section 236.8 mi n thickness of Late Palaeozoic (Late Carboniferous-Permian) rocks of the Lower Parmeener Super-Group was encountered in a borehole at Douglas River, eastern Tasmania. Lithological, marine macro-invertebrate and palynological data are documented and collated. The section displays many similarities with sequences elsewhere in eastern and northeastern Tasmania, but is unusual in the development of rocks (including Tasmanites shale) as old as Early Tamarian. This occurrence may indicate a narrow, but significant east-west breaching of the land barrier which persisted throughout the Tamarian over most of eastern and northeastern Tasmania. Acritarch swarms coeval with Late Palaeozoic Borehole Section at Douglas River, Tasmania Triassic coal measures Siluro-Devonian Mathinna Beds Upper Marine Sequence (Three distinctive units as indicated) Lower Marine Sequence Lower Freshwater Sequence Sandy carbonaceous mudstone Pebbly quartz sandstone Black mudstone. richly fossiliferous (bryozoans. brachiopods) Coarse. cross-bedded, quartz sandstone Black mudstone with gritty. pebbly horizons; rare plant fragments; rare forams Bioclastic limestone and fossiliferous mudstone. siltstone and sandstone. with dropstones Dark grey mudstone. with forams. sparse dropstones. rare woody debris Bioturbated fine quartz sandstone, rare plant fragments Fine quartz sandstone, minor thin, carbonaceous mudstone Tasmanites shale Black mudstone with sporadic gritty horizons. dropstones Conglomerate _ Poorly-sorted glauconitic sandstone-Graphic log, Douglas River borehole.