“…However, the chemical composition of femoral gland secretions has been analysed in only a few lizard species (reviewed in Weldon et al, 2008). Most information relates to European lizards of the family Lacertidae (López and Martín, 2005b, c, 2006López, 2006b, c, 2010b;Gabirot el al., 2008;Kopena et al, 2009), American lizards of the families Iguanidae (Weldon et al, 1990;Alberts et al, 1992) and Liolaemidae (Escobar et al, 2001(Escobar et al, , 2003, and an African cordylid lizard (Louw et al, 2007). However, there are many lizard species within other taxonomic lineages and geographical areas that have femoral pores with abundant secretions, which have never been chemically analysed, in spite of secretions being often related to chemical communication (see reviews by Weldon et al, 2008;Mason and Parker, 2010).…”