The role of on-site correlation in the low-energy excitations of nickel is studied by comparing the results of high-angular and high-energy resolution photoemission spectroscopy with quasiparticle states calculated as a three-body scattering solution of a multiorbital Hubbard model. It is found that correlation effects modify the energy dispersion and spin polarization of electron states and are essential in order to get a quantitative agreement with experimental data.It is well established that the photoemission spectra of narrow-band materials, such as the elements of the d transition-metal series and their compounds, cannot be entirely explained within a one-electron picture, due to the presence of local correlations between electrons in the partially filled d band.1 Band mapping, i.e., the reduction of the measured spectra to a band structure and its comparison with theoretical results can be a powerful tool to directly investigate correlation effects, provided that some important requirements are fulfilled: on the experimental side, highangular and high-energy resolution photoemission techniques are necessary in order to identify quasiparticle energy dispersions and lifetime broadenings associated with the many-body character of the electronic excitations; on the theoretical side, a realistic description of the band structure must be combined with an accurate treatment of many-body electron-electron interactions to account for the mixed itinerant and localized behavior of the valence states.In this paper we present direct evidence of correlation effects in the low binding-energy region of the valence band of nickel. While these effects dominate the high-energy region of the Ni photoemission spectrum with the presence of the well-known 6 eV satellite peak, 2 the electron states near the Fermi energy are commonly believed to be less influenced by many-body interactions; this has to do with the very general properties of low-energy excitations of Fermi liquids, 3 but also with the observation that the Fermi surface of ferromagnetic nickel is nicely reproduced by a singleparticle band structure. 4 All the same, significant discrepancies are known to exist between the observed energy dispersions of some bands and the results of standard singleparticle band calculations; 5 these discrepancies are related to the energy renormalization due to electron-electron interaction. Here we want to investigate these effects in detail in order to get a band mapping of low-energy quasiparticle excitations.A high-resolution photoemission data set was measured at room temperature on a Ni͑110͒ surface. Using He I radiation for excitation (hϭ21.21 eV), energy spectra were taken in 1°steps for a continuous range of polar angles along the ͑001͒ plane, from normal emission ( m ϭ0°) to a polar angle of m ϭ70°off normal. Each spectrum spans a bindingenergy range from Ϫ300 meV ͑above E F ) to 1200 meV ͑below E F ) and was measured with an energy resolution of 35 meV. The angular resolution was set to Ϯ0.5°using an iris aperture in front...