The Mio cene sed i men ta tion his tory of the Brus de nu da tion rel ict (the west ern part of the Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Repub lic) has been in ferred from 20 m of silt/siltstones, sand/sand stones and lime stones pen e trated by the Brus-1 bore hole. De tailed multiproxy lithofacies and biofacies anal y ses have al lowed fa cies and palaeoenvironment in ter pre ta tions. The presence of molluscs, brachi o pods and fish fauna, as well as large ben thic and epiphytic foraminifera in di cates a gen er ally shallow, sub trop i cal, ma rine en vi ron ment. De spite the scar city of biostratigraphical mark ers, the sec tion can be cor re lated with the low er most Badenian (~15-16 Ma). In the siltstones in the lower part of the bore hole, there are abun dant low-sa lin ity foraminifera, which may in di cate in creased rain fall. Linked to this is the nu tri ent en rich ment of the sea bot tom wa ter in ferred from the pres ence of the high-nu tri ent taxa ac com pa nied by abun dant cal car e ous nannoplankton eutrophic taxa such as Coccolithus pelagicus and eutrophic plank tonic foraminifera of the Globigerina bulloides/praebulloides group. The main Planostegina bloom was re corded in a sand stone in the in ter val 12.5-7 m, and was not in flu enced by a shift from high-organic con tent Valvulineria as sem blage of small foraminifera to an epiphytic one. The bound ary be tween siliciclastic and carbon ate sed i men ta tion (-7.5 m) shows a drop in K and Th con cen tra tions, and in the Th/U ra tio, but a rise in the Th/K ra tio. This change in ra dio ac tive el e ment con tent may gen er ally in di cate a sig nif i cant de crease in ter res trial sed i ment in put which is fur ther sup ported by the on set of lime stone de po si tion. Re ver sal of the de po si tion re gime and a de crease of clastic in put into the ba sin may be re lated to the chang ing of the pre cip i ta tion regime, prob a bly trig gered by or bit ally-forced cyclicity.Key words: Mid dle Mio cene, Cen tral Paratethys, siliciclastic sed i men ta tion, car bon ate sed i men ta tion, large ben thic foraminifera, palaeo ec ol ogy.