Research interest in iterative multipoint schemes to solve nonlinear problems has increased recently because of the drawbacks of point-to-point methods, which need high-order derivatives to increase the order of convergence. However, this order is not the only key element to classify the iterative schemes. We aim to design new multipoint fixed point classes without memory, that improve or bring together the existing ones in different areas such as computational efficiency, stability and also convergence order. In this manuscript, we present a family of parametric iterative methods, whose order of convergence is four, that has been designed by using composition and weight function techniques. A qualitative analysis is made, based on complex discrete dynamics, to select those elements of the class with best stability properties on low-degree polynomials. This stable behavior is directly related with the simplicity of the fractals defined by the basins of attraction. In the opposite, particular methods with unstable performance present high-complexity in the fractals of their basins. The stable members are demonstrated also be the best ones in terms of numerical performance of non-polynomial functions, with special emphasis on Colebrook-White equation, with wide applications in Engineering.