We present a numerical study of ground states of the dilute versions of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) mean-field spin glass. In contrast to so-called "sparse" mean-field spin glasses that have been studied widely on random networks of finite (average or regular) degree, the networks studied here are randomly bond-diluted to an overall density p, such that the average degree diverges as ∼ pN with the system size N . Ground-state energies are obtained with high accuracy for random instances for given p over a wide range of densities p. Since this is a NP-hard combinatorial problem, we employ the Extremal Optimization heuristic to that end. We find that the exponent describing the finite-size corrections, ω, varies continuously with p, a somewhat surprising result, as one would not expect that gradual bond-dilution would change the universality class of a statistical model. For p → 1, the familiar result of ω(p = 1) ≈ 2 3 for SK is obtained. In the limit of small p, ω(p) appears to diverge hyperbolically. arXiv:1912.04974v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]