The Udham Singh Nagar district is a uent in fertile land, water resources, and even favoured for industrial advancement, thereby resulting in a rapid increase of industrialization and urban growth, which are the inevitable causes for groundwater contamination. During recent years the increased rate of urbanization and the establishment of Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE) at Pantnagar, Kashipur and Sitarganj area (of the district) have increased the demand for groundwater. A proper groundwater resource planning and monitoring on a regional scale is required to cope with the pace of rapid urbanization and industrialization along with dire irrigation needs. To su ce this strategy, the spatial distribution of water quality shall determine the kind of sustainable approach to be implemented in an area. The objective of this research is to assess the hydrochemical quality of the groundwater in Udham Singh Nagar district (areal extent 3055 Km 2 ), Uttarakhand. The groundwater samples collected from the aquifer have shown anomalous values of Total Hardness (TH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Magnesium (Mg 2+ ), Iron (Fe 2+ ), and Lead (Pb 2+ ) on undergoing major elemental analysis which con rms about degradation in the groundwater quality. Moreover, the Piper Trilinear Diagram (PTD) has identi ed the hydrochemical facies, and characterization of groundwater. Based on the interpretation of TDS, most groundwater samples <500 mg/l dissolved solids, making it desirable for drinking. Therefore, this phenomenon attributes to suitable drinking water present in the aquifer of Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand.