List of symbolsA Test-surface area (m 2 ) Bi Biot number, hD/2k s CHF Critical heat flux c p Specific heat of the surface material (kJ/kg K) d Jet diameter (m) D Test surface diameter (m) h Heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 K) k Thermal conductivity (W/m K) l Downstream spatial location on test surface (m) Q Water flow rate (lpm) q Surface heat flux (W/m 2 ) Re Reynolds number (Ud/υ) Rw Rewetting number or dimensionless rewetting velocity (uD/2α) r Radial distance from the stagnation point (m) t Time (s) t d Wetting delay (s) T Temperature (°C) u Rewetting velocity (m/s) v Volume of test-section (m 3 ) z/d Dimensionless nozzle exit to test surface spacing Greek symbols υ Kinematic viscosity of water (m 2 /s) α Thermal diffusivity of surface (m 2 /s) ρ Density of surface material (kg/m 3 ) Subscripts B Bottom side downstream location e Experimental value i Initial value j Jet MFB Minimum film boiling m MaximumAbstract A stainless steel (SS-316) vertical rod of 12 mm diameter at 800 ± 10 °C initial temperature was cooled by normal impinging round water jet. The surface rewetting phenomenon was investigated for a range of jet diameter 2.5-4.8 mm and jet Reynolds number 5000-24,000 using a straight tube type nozzle. The investigation were made from the stagnation point to maximum 40 mm downstream locations, simultaneously for both upside and downside directions. The cooling performance of the vertical rod was evaluated on the basis of rewetting parameters i.e. rewetting temperature, wetting delay, rewetting velocity and the maximum surface heat flux. Two separate Correlations have been proposed for the dimensionless rewetting velocity in terms of rewetting number and the maximum surface heat flux that predicts the experimental data within an error band of ±20 and ±15 % respectively.