Let G be a reductive group over a non-archimedean local field F . Consider an arbitrary Bernstein block Rep(G) s in the category of complex smooth G-representations. In earlier work the author showed that there exists an affine Hecke algebra H(O, G) whose category of right modules is closely related to Rep(G) s . In many cases this is in fact an equivalence of categories, like for Iwahori-spherical representations.In this paper we study the q-parameters of the affine Hecke algebras H(O, G). We compute them in many cases, in particular for principal series representations of quasi-split groups and for classical groups.Lusztig conjectured that the q-parameters are always integral powers of qF and that they coincide with the q-parameters coming from some Bernstein block of unipotent representations. We reduce this conjecture to the case of simple p-adic groups, and we prove it for most of those.