“…Since the CLS‐2 and CLS‐3 share the same eigenvalue (propagation constant), their superimposed states (CLS‐5 and CLS‐6) are also eigenstates of the plane‐touching flat bands. [
18,19 ] Thus, for the doubly‐degenerate flat bands β 5, 6 , there exist two different sets of basic CLSs, one set consists of {CLS‐2} and {CLS‐3}, the other one consists of {CLS‐5} and {CLS‐6}, where the notation “
” indicates N translated copies of the selected basic CLS. When we choose one of the sets, {CLS‐2, CLS‐3} for example, {CLS‐2} corresponds to the flat band β 5 , then {CLS‐3} automatically corresponds to flat band β 6 , and vice versa.…”