We consider bordered Riemann surfaces which are biholomorphic to compact Riemann surfaces of genus g with n regions biholomorphic to the disc removed. We define a refined Teichmüller space of such Riemann surfaces and demonstrate that in the case that 2g + 2 − n > 0, this refined Teichmüller space is a Hilbert manifold. The inclusion map from the refined Teichmüller space into the usual Teichmüller space (which is a Banach manifold) is holomorphic.We also show that the rigged moduli space of Riemann surfaces with non-overlapping holomorphic maps, appearing in conformal field theory, is a complex Hilbert manifold. This result requires an analytic reformulation of the moduli space, by enlarging the set of nonoverlapping mappings to a class of maps intermediate between analytically extendible maps and quasiconformally extendible maps. Finally we show that the rigged moduli space is the quotient of the refined Teichmüller space by a properly discontinuous group of biholomorphisms.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30F60 ; Secondary 30C55, 30C62, 32G15, 46E20, 81T40. Key words and phrases. Refined Teichmüller space, Hilbert manifold, quasiconformal maps, moduli space of rigged Riemann surfaces, conformal field theory.Eric Schippers is partially supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council. He would like to thank Nina Zorboska for several helpful conversations.