Outlier detection refers to find patterns that do not fit in to normal behaviour. Outlier detection plays an important role in data mining. Most of real world datasets are using outlier detection. Outlier detection is useful in many fields like Network intrusion, Credit card fraud detection, stock market, and wireless sensor network data. The distance based outlier detection techniques be unsuccessful to will increases the dimensionality of data because in high dimensionality distance between the two points is less. In existing system using Anti-hub method in reverse nearest neighbors. Anti-hubs are few points are regularly comes in K-nearest neighbors list of another points and few points are an irregularly comes in k-nearest neighbors list of different points. In Anti-hub method propose high computational cost and time requirements for finding outliers. To overcome this problem we can use new method in this paper that is the advanced variety of Anti-hub is Anti-hub2.which is for reconsider the outlier score of a data point obtained by the Anti-hub method. The goal of this paper is locate the inconsistent objects in data which has high dimension through reduced computation time, cost and increase the accuracy. We apply logistic regression rule on the results of Anti-hub dataset then obtained combination of data, prevention measures and Anti-hub calculation. It increase the efficiency of remove out irrelevant, redundant feature. I. INTRODUCTION Data Mining means the process of extracting the knowledge for huge data sources. The general objective of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and transform it into a reasonable structure for further utilize. In the Data Mining have four techniques that are Clustering, Classification, Association, and Outliers. In this paper we discuss the Outlier detection techniques definition of Outlier location (otherwise called inconsistency discovery) is the way toward discovering data objects with practices that are altogether different from desire. Such objects are called outliers or anomalies. Outlier detection is important in many applications such as medical care, public safety and security, industry damage detection, image processing, sensor/video network surveillance, and intrusion detection. In general, outliers is classified into 3 varieties, those are global outliers, conditional outliers, and collective outliers. To discover global outliers, an essential issue is to search for out an acceptable mensuration of deviation with relation to the appliance in question. Global outlier detection is very significant in several applications. Take into account intrusion detection in laptop networks, as an example. If the statement behaviour of a laptop is extremely completely changed from the conventional designs (e.g., an oversized range of packages is broadcast in a very short time), this behaviour is also thought-about as a worldwide outlier and also the consistent laptop could be a suspected target of hacking. Next one is conditional outlier the item ...