SUMMARY1. Intracellular Na activity, aNa, was continuously measured in crab (Carcinus maenas) muscle fibres using a recessed-tip Na+-sensitive glass micro-electrode. Experiments could last up to several hours. a~a remained stable during prolonged experiments. The mean resting a0a was 8*4 + 0.02 mM (S.E. of mean for eighty-nine fibres) and the mean resting membrane potential was 65*3 mV + 0 3 (S.E. of mean for eighty-nine fibres).2. Reducing [Na]0 to I normal (maintaining ionic strength with equivalent amounts of either Li or Tris) caused a large and rapid fall of aZa. There appeared to be two components of the effect, a fast and slow. The initial fast rate of decrease was about 3-5 m-mole/min decreasing to half this value in about 1 min. The rate of decrease of aya was not linearly related to aNa. The size of the fast change of aya was related to