We consider the non-equilibrium physics induced by joining together two tight binding fermionic chains to form a single chain. Before being joined, each chain is in a many-fermion ground state. The fillings (densities) in the two chains might be the same or different. We present a number of exact results for the correlation functions in the non-interacting case. We present a short-time expansion, which can sometimes be fully resummed, and which reproduces the so-called 'light cone' effect or wavefront behavior of the correlators. For large times, we show how all interesting physical regimes may be obtained by stationary phase approximation techniques. In particular, we derive semiclassical formulas in the case when both time and positions are large, and show that these are exact in the thermodynamic limit. We present subleading corrections to the large-time behavior, including the corrections near the edges of the wavefront. We also provide results for the return probability or Loschmidt echo. In the maximally inhomogeneous limit, we prove that it is exactly gaussian at all times. The effects of interactions on the Loschmidt echo are also discussed.PACS numbers: 75.10. Fd, 75.45.Gm, 05.60.Gg Introduction -Local quantum quenches are a particularly neat setup to address theoretical questions about non-equilibrium current-carrying stationary states as well as transport properties of many-body isolated quantum systems. The characterization of the long-time behavior of local correlation functions unveils universal features of the quantum dynamics [1][2][3][4][5] and paves the way to the construction of effective field theories capable of capturing them. Analytic results are relevant as benchmarks for cold atom experiments that very recently [6][7][8] started to investigate particle and energy transport under a unitary dynamics.In this work, we study a quench which, although injecting an extensive amount of energy into the system, has mostly local effects. We take two uniformly filled long tight binding chains in their respective ground-states, but with a different number of fermions. At time t = 0 the two edges are connected so that it turns into a single chainThe hopping and interactions between sites j = 0 and j = 1 are initially absent; the initial state |ψ 0 = |ψ l |ψ r is the tensor product of the ground states (with specified occupancies) of the two decoupled chains. For unequal fillings, one expects some particle current at time t > 0. We denote by k l F (k r F ) the Fermi momenta on the left (right), so that the particle number is2 ) on the left (right). For simplicity we focus on the symmetric case k l F + k r F = π, but extension to other values is straightforward. It is useful to keep two limits in mind. When the fillings are equal k l F = k r F = π/2 there is no particle current. This particular quench was studied in [1][2][3]9], using low-energy field theory, and belongs to the class of Fermi-edge problems [10,11]. The other simple limit is k The motivation for the present study is two-fold. First, ou...