ABSTRACT. We construct all projective modules of the restricted quantum group U q sℓp2|1q at an even, 2pth, root of unity. This 64p 4 -dimensional Hopf algebra is a common double bosonization, BpX˚q b BpXq b H, of two rank-2 Nichols algebras BpXq with fermionic generator(s), with H " Z 2p b Z 2p . The category of U q sℓp2|1q-modules is equivalent to the category of Yetter-Drinfeld BpXq-modules in C ρ " H H YD, where coaction is defined by a universal R-matrix ρ. As an application of the projective module construction, we find the associative algebra structure and the dimension, 5p 2´p`4 , of the U q sℓp2|1q center.