Ill patients with angiopathies concerning the legs were neurologically and electromyographically explored; more over 14 of them suffered from diabetes mellitus. 88.8 % showed hypesthesia, 68.4 % disturbance of pallesthetic sensibility and 59.3% ataxia. The reflex excitability was more or less reduced for the patellar reflex in 61.3% and for the achilles reflex in 94.2% – scarcely only seldom abolished. Especially in states II, III and IV after Fontaine, action potentials of lower amplitude and subnormal duration were found electromyographically. Besides, more than usual action potentials with split points and polyphasic potentials were manifested. A retardation of the motor conduction velocity was at 36.5%. In perfect equality with the weight of the angiopathy, there was a corresponding stronger falling-off of single to many motor unities during maximal voluntary contraction as well as frequent disturbing of motor conduction velocity. Spontaneous discharges above all as fibrillation potentials were occasionally met. The neurologic and electromyographic disturbances were far more striking, in particular the retardation of the motor conduction velocity besides contemporary diabetes.