Recent studies implicated that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) may play a role in the progression and development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, however, this role is not yet clear. In order to unravel the role of lncRNAs associated with Bcell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCPALL) subtypes, we performed transcriptome sequencing and DNA methylation array across 82 BCPALL samples from three molecular subtypes (DUX4, Phlike, and Near Haploid or High Hyperdiploidy). Unsupervised clustering of BCPALL samples on the basis of their lncRNAs on transcriptome and DNA methylation profiles revealed robust clusters separating three molecular subtypes. Using extensive computational analysis, we developed a comprehensive catalog of 1235 aberrantly dysregulated BCPALL subtypespecific lncRNAs with altered expression and methylation patterns from three subtypes of BCPALL. By analyzing the coexpression of subtypespecific lncRNAs and proteincoding genes, we inferred key molecular processes in BCPALL subtypes. A strong correlation was identified between the DUX4 specific lncRNAs and activation of TGF and Hippo signaling pathways. Similarly, Phlike specific lncRNAs were β correlated with genes involved in activation of PI3KAKT, mTOR, and JAKSTAT signaling pathways. Interestingly, the relapsespecific differentially expressed lncRNAs correlated with the activation of metabolic and signaling pathways. Finally, we showed a set of epigenetically altered lncRNAs facilitating the expression of tumor genes located at their cis location. Overall, our study provides a comprehensive set of novel subtype and relapse specific lncRNAs in BCPALL. Our findings suggest a wide range of molecular pathways are associated with lncRNAs in BCPALL subtypes and provide a foundation for functional investigations that could lead to new therapeutic approaches. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jul. 9, 2018;
Author SummaryAcute lymphoblastic leukemia is a heterogeneous blood cancer, with multiple molecular subtypes, and with high relapse rate. We are far from the complete understanding of the rationale behind these subtypes and high relapse rate. Long noncoding (lncRNAs) has emerged as a novel class of RNA due to its diverse mechanism in cancer development and progression. LncRNAs does not code for proteins and represent around 70% of human transcripts. Recently, there are a number of studies used lncRNAs expression profile in the classification of various cancers subtypes and displayed their correlation with genomic, epigenetic, pathological and clinical features in diverse cancers. Therefore, lncRNAs can account for heterogeneity and has independent prognostic value in various cancer subtypes.However, lncRNAs defining the molecular subtypes of BCPALL are not portrayed yet. Here, we describe a set of relapse and subtypespecific lncRNAs from three major BCPALL subtypes and define their potential functions and epigenetic regulation. Our data uncover ...