AbbREviAtionsNFκB nuclear factor κB ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase P-ERK dually phosphorylated ERK MEF mouse embryo fibroblast QPCR quantitative RT-PCR
ACKnowlEdGEMEntsWe thank Jessie Villanueva and Hanqin Lei for generating some of the cyclin D1 promoterluciferase constructs described in this paper. This work was supported by NIH grants GM069064 and CA72639 to R.K.A.
AbstRACtIn this report we characterize the mechanism of Rac-mediated cyclin D1 gene expression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Activated Rac strongly stimulated cyclin D1 gene transcription but did not alter the half-life of cyclin D1 mRNA. Inhibition of NFκB signaling with the IκB super-repressor blocked the Rac-dependent expression of cyclin D1 mRNA, and this effect was selective since ERK-dependent cyclin D1 mRNA induction was minimally affected by super-repressor expression. However, we found that p65 activity in this system was induced by serum and not by activated Rac. Moreover, mouse cyclin D1 promoter-luciferase assays showed that Rac stimulated cyclin D1 gene expression without activating NFκB and that an essential Rac-regulated promoter element is located far upstream or downstream of the cyclin D1 transcription start site. We conclude that, in MEFs, Rac-mediated induction of cyclin D1 mRNA requires activation of a parallel NFκB pathway whereas ERK induces cyclin D1 transcription independent of NFκB.