30We have scrutinized the effects of the phytoestrogen genistein and three synthetic 31 estrogen receptor agonists, 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE), propylpyrazole-triol (PPT) and 32 diarylpropionitrile (DPN) in the completely estrogen-free background of aromatase 33 knockout (ArKO) mice by means of two routes of substance administration: oral via 34 diet (per os; po) or subcutaneous injection (sc) with the intention to evaluate the 35 ArKO mice as sensitive model organism for uterotrophic assays. Additionally, we 36 were aiming to qualitatively analyze effects resulting from oral administration path, in 37 particular for PPT and DPN. Therefore, we analyzed the resulting uterine wet weights 38 (UWW) and epithelial heights as physiological endpoints of function as well as the 39 gonadotropin levels. Moreover, the gene expression profiles of estrogen receptors as 40 well as important uterine and ovarian estrogen-response genes were investigated by 41The uterus of ArKO mice responded very sensitive upon the substitution with EE (sc 43 5 µg/ kg BW; po 50 µg/ kg BW) in a proliferative manner. This was evaluated inter 44 alia by increased UWW and by up-regulation of the expression of proliferation-45 associated and estrogen-response genes. It is important to note, that ERα and ERβ-46 agonist, PPT and DPN respectively (po 5 mg / kg BW and sc 0.5 mg / kg BW), so far 47 have only been just for sc applications. Here, effects resulting from oral application 48 were qualitatively described evaluated for their applicability. The UWW and 49 expression of proliferation-associated genes were increased following both po and sc 50 treatment with PPT. DPN did not exert an increase of the UWW, but a significant 51 decrease of proliferation-associated gene and protein expression. Additionally, a 52 substantial hypoplasia was detectable in the uterine cross sections of DPN-treated 53 mice. On the other hand, the phytoestrogen genistein (sc 10 mg/ kg BW; po 70 54 mg/ kg BW) did not cause detectable uterotrophic responses or large changes of 55 uterine and ovarian gene expression profiles under the applied experimental 56conditions, but significantly reduced the elevated gonadotropin levels of ArKO mice. 57In summary, we showed the utility of ArKO mice to detect ER-specific effects, in 58 particular those of PPT and DPN also when applied orally. 59 60