Outcomes in the repair of pilonidal sinus disease excision wounds using a parasacral perforator flap MR Venus, OG Titley University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, UK aBsTraCT INTRODUCTION The ideal treatment for pilonidal sinus disease has yet to be defined. There are many approaches described in the literature. METHODS Thirty-five consecutive patients who underwent wide excision of pilonidal sinus disease had the wound repaired using a parasacral perforator flap. Outcomes were assessed by case notes analysis and follow-up telephone and postal questionnaires. RESULTS There were ten minor complications including six minor wound edge dehiscences. There were two ischaemic complications, with one flap loss. There were 3 recurrences of pilonidal disease at a mean follow-up of 33 months, giving a 5-year recurrence free rate of 86%. Of the patients questioned, all would recommend the procedure to someone else despite 69% being dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome. CONCLUSIONS This series indicates that the parasacral perforator flap technique is able to repair pilonidal sinus excision wounds successfully with minimal morbidity and a low recurrence rate at a mean of follow-up of 33 months. The study suggests that it may be a technique best reserved for recurrent cases of pilonidal sinus disease. Patients feel the procedure is successful despite reservations regarding the cosmetic outcome.