“…Clinically documented VT has been induced by programmed electrical stimulations in patients who had had repair of tetralogy of Fallot.9),10) Patients with syncope also had inducible VT in electrophysiologic studies.11)-13) Therefore, it is recommended that patients with previous corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot and in whom VT is suspected are studied electrophysiologically. VT was reported to be inducible in 80 to 100% of patients with previous VT or syncope.9)-13) If patients had had no such dysrhythmia clinically, VT will be induced rarely, 0.7% among 443 patients.14) It has been suggested that VT or complex ventricular premature beats develop in those patients with elevated right ventricular systolic or end-diastolic pressure,3),7),11),15) but some authors deny such a relationship between ventricular dysrhythmias and hemodynamic parameters.16) The right ventricle tended to be larger in those who had malignant ventricular arrhythmias than those without them and patients with severe arrhythmias were found to be significantly older than patients without arrhythmias, both at the age of surgery and at the time of study.16), 17) VT originated from the outflow tract of the right ventricle or from the interventricular septum.9)-13) These sites were involved either by ventricu-Jp n. Heart J.…”