The aim of this study is to obtain high-accurate harmonic developments of the tide-generating potential (TGP) of Mercury, Venus and Mars. The planets' TGP values have been first calculated on the base of DE/LE-406 numerical planetary/lunar ephemerides over a long period of time and then processed by a new spectral analysis method. According to this method the development is directly made to Poisson series where both amplitudes and arguments of the series' terms are high-degree polynomials of time. A new harmonic development of Mars TGP is made over the time period 1900 AD-2100 AD and includes 767 second-order Poisson series' terms of minimum amplitude equal to 10 −7 m 2 s −2 . Analogous series composing both Mercury and Venus TGP harmonic models are built over the time period 1000 AD-3000 AD and include 1,061 and 693 terms, respectively. A modification of the standard HW95 format for representation of the terrestrial planets' TGP is proposed. The number of terms in the planets' TGP models transformed to the modified HW95 format is 650 for Mercury, 422 for Venus, and 480 for Mars. The quality of the new developments of the terrestrial planets' TGP is better than that of the similar developments obtained earlier.