In this article, a model of ore deposit in form of a lense carried out in the MineScape program, is presented. The lense had a thickness of 30 m, length along the strike 200 m, and the depth buried was for 80 m to 110 m below the surface. In the first layer, counting from the lowest level, a room and pillar method with variable geometry was designed. The width and length dimensions for rooms and pillars were: 4 m, 5 m and 6 m, respectively. For the selected part of the deposit, three variants of the system with variable geometry of rooms and pillars were designed, for which the deposit utilization coefficient was determined. The next stage of the research was to determine the influence of the geometry of the pillars and rooms on the range of the rock destruction zone around room excavations. For this purpose, numerical calculations using the three-dimensional Examine 3D program, based on the boundary element method, were made. The results of numerical tests were used to calculate the load of the rock bolt support, which is currently used in the zinc and lead underground mine "Olkusz-Pomorzany" in Poland. Currently in the mine, the bolt spacing is 1 m × 1 m, and the technology for fixing the bolt rod is based on resin cartridges that completely fill the bolt hole. In order to spread the spacing of the rock bolt support and to apply segmental fixing of the bolt rod, in the laboratory tests, rock bolt supports with increased strength were tested. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the rock bolt can be installed segmentally, using a cement grout, and its spacing can be increased to 2 m.