of the other known genes for type 2 CMTD did not reveal any association with cataracts. Reports of spontaneously resolving cataracts have been noted following intraocular surgery. 3 These were thought to arise from several potential mechanisms, one being impaired sodiumpotassium adenosine triphosphatase channels with electrolyte imbalance. 3 The feathering sutural cataracts noted in these studies are similar to those found in our patient. This finding, along with gap junction and dynamin studies, suggests a brief osmotic imbalance as a potential cause. Other spontaneously resolving cataracts have been previously reported, usually associated with significant metabolic disease or intralenticular trauma. These reports offer suggestions of potential resolving mechanisms involving lens epithelial growth and reestablishment of ionic balance. 4 The importance of the patient's antioxidant home medications and N-acetylcarnosine eyedrops in his cataract resolution is unknown. As described by Toh et al, 5 further independent research of clinical effectiveness is still needed to validate research claims of N-acetylcarnosine that have significant conflicts of interest in humans.