Significant advances in hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) have increased the long-term survivorship of its recipients, but because of unique complications arising from radiation and chemotherapy, recipients require lifelong follow-up. To evaluate current survivorship or long-term follow-up (LTFU) clinics specifically for HCT survivors and to evaluate the potential barriers in their establishment, the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT) Practice Guidelines Committee electronically surveyed 200 HCT programs to gather quantitative and qualitative data about models of care. Among 77 programs (38.5%) that responded, 45% indicated presence of an LTFU clinic; however, LTFU care models varied with respect to services provided, specialist availability, type of patients served, and staffing. Among 55% of programs without an LTFU clinic, 100% agreed that allogeneic HCT survivors have unique needs separate from graft-versus-host disease and that complications could arise during the transition of care either from pediatric to adult settings or away from the HCT center. Lack of expertise, logistics, financial issues, and the observation that 84% of individual practitioners prefer to provide survivorship care were the identified obstacles to establishing new LTFU clinics. The ASBMT hopes that policymakers, HCT providers, and institutions will benefit from the results of this survey and recommends that delivering guidelines-driven screening and expert management of late effects is the goal of first-rate HCT survivorship care.