The compound, Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 , was synthesized by hot pressing a powder mixture of TiC X (x ¼ 0.6), Al and Si. Its oxidation at 900 and 1000 8C in air for up to 50 h resulted in the formation of rutile-TiO 2 , a-Al 2 O 3 and amorphous SiO 2 . The oxide scales formed consisted of triple layers, viz, an outer TiO 2 layer containing Al 2 O 3 particles, an intermediate Al 2 O 3 layer, and an inner mixed layer that was rich in TiO 2 , but deficient in Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 . During oxidation, Ti diffused outwards to form the outer TiO 2 layer, and oxygen was transported inwards to form the inner mixed layer. At the same time, carbon was liberated from Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 . Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 oxidized slower than the TiO 2 -forming kinetics, but faster than the (a-Al 2 O 3 or SiO 2 )-forming kinetics.