“… Triage | Collection method and not a test itself | - Studies are few and heterogenous, no pooled performance estimates exist - Ultra applied to a single swab had a sensitivity of 88% in outpatients 41 but only 43% sensitivity when used for active case finding in a prison 40 - TB-LAMP 42 applied to oral swabs had sensitivities ranging from 33-50% | - FLOQSwabs (Copan Italia) preferred 41 - Self-swabbing, comparable to health worker-administered swabs for other pathogens 44 , appears feasible - Potential for paediatric TB 43 - Insufficient Mtb may be recovered from swabs in patients with low sputum bacillary load 40 | - Performance of novel assays (e.g., next-generation LAM and NAATs unknown) may overcome sensitivity limitations associated - Optimal number of swabs, swab design, and the processing method are under evaluation and may improve the release of material from swabs -No tests purpose-built for tongue swabs yet exist | Blood | Host transcriptome | mRNA blood signatures associated with the immune system's response to Mtb have shown promise for diagnosis. 68 | Triage | Xpert Host Response (Cepheid) | - A multicentre study showed 90% sensitivity and 86% specificity 64 -Other studies have shown lower specificities (26% 101 , 53% 102 ) at >90% sensitivity | - Limited data with small numbers of cases, however, multicentre studies are emerging - Xpert HR has the most data available - RNA is labile and, for Xpert HR, time from blood collection to testing must be <30 min and stabilisation agents may be required - Cost unclear, but likely high - Potential utility treatment response monitoring, management of diseases other than TB (signature-positive patients without TB could have other infections 95 ), and false-positive TB PCR results 65 , which are frequent in people with previous TB 68 , 84 , 103 | - Signatures (including Sweeney3 in Xpert HR) measured using ultra-sensitive methods (sequencing, Nanostring) 68 struggle to meet WHO TPPs 65 , 66 ... |