Trabajo conjunto inter/transdisciplinario para una propuesta concreta que dialoga con la sociedad y su medio. Citycrowdcreating
AbstractWorking in pairs is collective collaboration. The collective intelligence, crowdthinking and its variations are part of today's language. Based on this concept, we propose to fill empty spaces from the current communication of culture from Goverment of Córdoba. There is an information movement and events in conection to crowd. We propose a device, that broadcasts the contents of the hashtag: #quetenemoshoy, making it more popular, and in everyone's range. We set out a collaboration situation, with a concrete proposal, that includes dialogue with its surroundings. Articulating knowledge from different disciplines, between the goverment and the residents. Following neologism from Gutiérrez-Rubí y Freire (2013),we propose will be CITY-CROWD-CREATING.