Band 127 3. During the generative phase a decline of thc concentration of 3,4-Benzopyren was observed in all samples. The concentration of Benzo(e)acephenanthrylene showed a smaller decline, related to dry substance. 4. The determination of the soil samples used for the experiment and soil samples of different origin as to their content of 3,4-Benzopyren and Benzo(e)acephenanthrylene rcveals a considerable digerence of these aromates. 5 . The balance shows, that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons stored in the wheat plant by comparison to these of the soil used for the experiment makes up only a small percentage. 6. The results obtained in the present work do not award the ability to the wheat plant for synthesis of 3,4-Benzopyren and Benzo(e)acephenanthrylene.