Many reports on stimulated Raman scattering in mixtures of Raman-active and noble gases indicate that the addition of a dispersive buffer gas increases the phase-mismatch to higher-order Stokes/anti-Stokes sidebands, resulting in preferential conversion to the first few Stokes lines, accompanied by a significant reduction in Raman gain due to collisions with buffer gas molecules. Here we report that, provided the dispersion can be precisely controlled, the effective Raman gain in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) can actually be significantly enhanced when a buffer gas is added. This counterintuitive behavior occurs when the nonlinear coupling between the interacting fields is strong, and can result in a performance similar to that of a pure Raman-active gas, but at much lower total gas pressure, allowing competing effects such as Raman backscattering to be suppressed. We report high modal purity in all the emitted sidebands, along with antiStokes conversion efficiencies as high as 5% in the visible and 2% in the ultraviolet. The results point to a new class of gasbased waveguide device in which the pressure-tunable nonlinear optical response is beneficially adjusted by the addition of other gases.