and correlated well (r ϭ 0.85, P ϭ 0.02, n ϭ 7) with oxygen consumption calculated from blood flow, hemoglobin, and blood gas measurements (mean 22.8 Ϯ 4.7 mol⅐min Ϫ1 ⅐g dry wt
Ϫ1). Local blood flow and oxygen consumption were significantly correlated (r ϭ 0.63 for pooled normalized data, P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 60). We calculate that, in the heart at normal workload, the variance of left ventricular oxygen delivery at submilliliter resolution is explained for 43% by heterogeneity in oxygen demand. regional blood flow; metabolism; myocardium; magnetic resonance spectroscopy MYOCARDIAL BLOOD FLOW is highly heterogeneous, as demonstrated in many different species, with various methods (radioactive, colored and fluorescent microspheres, molecular tracers, MRI, and PET), and under different experimental circumstances, such as open-versus closed-chest and anesthetized versus awake animals (5,9,19,22,26,27). Myocardial perfusion shows similar heterogeneity in the human heart (47). This heterogeneity is largely of spatial nature, although there is also some temporal variation (27). Local blood flow can differ by a factor five among small areas of the left ventricle, even in the normal heart. Interestingly, regional blood flow is rather stable over a substantial time period, at least for several hours, but some data even indicate a relatively stable local blood flow over days (44). From an anatomic and mechanical point of view, this heterogeneity is difficult to understand because the heart appears rather homogeneous and biomechanical models predict homogeneous contraction. The question thus remains: which factors contribute to heterogeneous blood flow? Heterogeneity in oxygen consumption (V O 2 ) between different areas of the left ventricle may explain at least part of the heterogeneity of myocardial blood flow. Indeed, it has been shown in previous studies (9,19) that indirect indicators of local aerobic metabolism show heterogeneity. For instance, a correlation between local blood flow and fatty acid uptake has been shown (24). Others (38, 39) have reported a rather good correlation between local myocardial blood flow and local myocardial V O 2 (MV O 2 ) measured by [18 O]water in the isolated buffer-perfused rabbit heart. Low-flow areas had lower V O 2 and highflow areas had higher V O 2 . Further studies showed that areas of the left ventricle that receive a relatively low amount of blood flow are not in a hypoxic state, suggesting local adaptation of blood flow to oxygen demand (8,11,14). However, direct measurement of aerobic metabolic flux in small myocardial regions became possible only recently. Regional V O 2 and regional blood flow can be estimated with PET, although this technique still does not permit analysis at sufficiently high spatial resolution to study cardiac heterogeneity in small tissue areas (1,34,37).To investigate the distribution of MV O 2 at high spatial resolution, a new combination of isotope labeling protocol and mathematical analysis of 13 C incorporation into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle ...