Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) is widely used in modern wireless communication and digital signal processing. Because memory access is a major cause of power dissipated by the long-length FFT architecture, this paper explores the design space expanded by FFT size and radix number in detail and presents a novel lowmemory-access length-adaptive architecture for computing any long-length 2 n -point FFT. The proposed hardware solution possesses the following three attractive features to reflect its novelty as compared to the existing designs. First, the authors identified that memory consumes major energy dissipation of a FFT processor and proposed to reduce memory access through decreasing the number of FFT butterfly stages. The second one is that we adopt the design concept of programmable processors to provide the flexibility in dynamically configuring the hardware for computing variable-length FFT without sacrificing the hardware utilization as contrary to the feed-forward architecture. Finally, a 16-bank memory organization is proposed to achieve conflict-free FFT operations for various radixes. Such low-memory-access length-adaptive architecture can reduce almost 70 % memory access or 30 % power consumption for FFT computation. After being implemented through 1P6M TSMC 0.18-µm CMOS technology, this work costs a core area of only 4.49 mm 2 and meets the FFT real-time performance requirements of DVB-T2 systems when operated at 20 MHz frequency. The proposed design consumes only 1.44 nJ of energy per sample for computing FFTs. Through adopting the proposed low-memory-access algorithm, flexible length-adaptive architecture, and efficient 16-bank memory organization, 56 % power dissipation of the whole FFT chip can be saved.