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Inertial Motion Tracking for Inserting Humans into a Networked Synthetic Environment
SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF:Inertial/Magnetic tracking is based on the use of sensors containing three orthogonally mounted angular rate sensors, three orthogonal linear accelerometers and three orthogonal magnetometers to determine independently the orientation of each link of an articulated rigid body. Inertial/magnetic orientation tracking could be applied to a broad range of problems which require real-time tracking of an articulated structure without being continuously dependent upon an artificially generated source. This research focuses on the goal of developing and demonstrating wireless full body tracking using MARG sensor modules. S
31-08-200713. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not contrued as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. Approved for public release; Federal purpose rights U
Final Report Inertial Motion Tracking for Inserting Humans into a Networked Synthetic EnvironmentReport Title
ABSTRACTInertial/Magnetic tracking is based on the use of sensors containing three orthogonally mounted angular rate sensors, three orthogonal linear accelerometers and three orthogonal magnetometers to determine independently the orientation of each link of an articulated rigid body. Inertial/magnetic orientation tracking could be applied to a broad range of problems which require real-time tracking of an articulated structure without being continuously dependent upon an artificially generated source. This research focuses on the goal of developing and demonstrating wireless full body tracking using MARG sensor modules.During the period of this report, six manuscripts were submitted for peer-reviewed publication. Of these six, five have been accepted. These include three journal publications and two conference papers. In addition, scientific advances have been made in the following areas:•
Number of Presentations:0.00
Non Peer-Reviewed Conference...