Abstract. Vehicle detection and tracking in real scenarios are key components to develop assisted and autonomous driving systems. Lidar sensors are specially suitable for this task, as they bring robustness to harsh weather conditions while providing accurate spatial information. However, the resolution provided by point cloud data is very scarce in comparison to camera images. In this work we explore the possibilities of Deep Learning (DL) methodologies applied to low resolution 3D lidar sensors such as the Velodyne VLP-16 (PUCK), in the context of vehicle detection and tracking. For this purpose we developed a lidar-based system that uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), to perform pointwise vehicle detection using PUCK data, and Multi-Hypothesis Extended Kalman Filters (MH-EKF), to estimate the actual position and velocities of the detected vehicles. Comparative studies between the proposed lower resolution (VLP-16) tracking system and a high-end system, using Velodyne HDL-64, were carried out on the Kitti Tracking Benchmark dataset. Moreover, to analyze the influence of the CNN-based vehicle detection approach, comparisons were also performed with respect to the geometric-only detector. The results demonstrate that the proposed low resolution Deep Learning architecture is able to successfully accomplish the vehicle detection task, outperforming the geometric baseline approach. Moreover, it has been observed that our system achieves a similar tracking performance to the high-end HDL-64 sensor at close range. On the other hand, at long range, detection is limited to half the distance of the higher-end sensor.