This paper proposed a model to estimate sensor spacing and a new deployment geometry and evaluates the performance of an ultrasonic sensor array according to the deployment geometry. The proposed spacing estimation model is based on the probability of false detection alarms, the aperture angle, and the sensor range. A design technique has been proposed for elliptical deployment geometry, giving expressions for its parameters to help designers of experimental prototypes to reduce errors related to sensor disposition. A practical method for calibrating ultrasonic sensors has been designed to reduce measurement errors. An experiment was conducted, and the data were analysed using a statistical significance test. An evaluation of the performance of an ultrasonic sensor array with linear and circular deployment geometry with and without our method was done and then compared to our proposed deployment geometry which was combined with the proposed method. The result of the statistical significance test shows that elliptical deployment geometry combined with the suggested strategy works better than circular and linear geometry. This applies to performance such as linear correlation, RMSE, MAPE, and standard deviation. These results show the importance of the choice of deployment geometry for application.