A model for the electrical behavior of pn-junction diodes biased in forward direction and used as a temperature sensitive device (TSD) in microbolometers is presented. It is based on the well-known Shockley equation extended by the ideality factor m. We demonstrate that the largest temperature sensitivity can be reached for diodes at low current density operation featuring a high ideality factor m > 1.Keywords-Microbolometer, thermal imaging, pn-junction diode, temperature sensitivity, compact modeling, ideality factor.
I. MOTIVATIONAccording to Planck's law, each object with a temperature above absolute zero emits electromagnetic radiation according to its temperature and surface properties [1]. For objects at room temperature, the spectral peak emittance occurs at a wavelength around 10 µm and, thus, is in the far infrared (FIR) range. Since the absorption in the atmospheric window between 8 µm and 14 µm is negligible [2], this thermal radiation can be collected by microbolometers for thermal imaging applications without the need for artificial or natural illumination of the scene. In contrast to cryogenic quantum detectors [3], microbolometers operate at room temperature and can be manufactured by using fully CMOS compatible processes [4][5][6][7]. This makes them excellent candidates for lowcost thermal imaging systems which can be used for automotive as well as consumer applications. Fig. 1. System model of a microbolometer pixel illustrating the signal path from the IR source to the ASIC. The red frame marks the actual MEMS pixel and the temperature sensitive device where the radiation power is converted to an electrical signal. Fig. 1 indicates that microbolometer operation is a two-step process: At first, the radiation is focused by an optical system on a MEMS pixel which consists of a thermally insulated structure with an absorber. The incident photons lead to a temperature increase which depends on the thermal insulation of the pixel according to(1) A temperature dependent electrothermal model and a corresponding measurement technique for the thermal impedance of microbolometer structures have already been presented by the authors in [8]. Therefore, the focus of this work is on the second step which is a transformation of the temperature increase into an electrical signal. The latter is generated by a temperature sensitive device (TSD) which is directly located on the pixel. It is characterized by a temperature dependent electrical characteristics. In our work, the TSD is represented by a pn-junction diode in forward mode operation. At fixed anode current I A , the anode-to-cathode voltage V AC linearly decreases with increasing temperature. The great advantage over other concepts (e.g. Si resistors [4], VO x resistors [9] or thermocouples [10]) are the temperature independent temperature sensitivity and the negligible current at reverse bias. As a consequence, no additional switching devices are required for the operation in large arrays for spaceresolved thermal imaging.
A. Fo...