Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown the importance of cholesterol, and in particular low density lipoprotein (LDL), and of the lipoproteins in the development of coronary sclerosis. A continuing relationship between cholesterol levels and coronary morbidity has been established. The LDL concentration in the blood is, in particular, to be made responsible for the development of arteriosclerosis and especially of coronary heart disease (CHD). Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], as a risk factor for premature cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can be lowered by LDL-apheresis. Especially in isolated high levels of Lp(a) with CHD or polygenic hypercholesterolemia with elevated Lp(a) levels, LDL-apheresis can be indicated and can be useful to improve endothelium regulation and induce changes in coronary tone by an increase in endothelial derived relaxing factor. Lipoprotein (a) can be dramatically lowered by LDL-apheresis, but clinical improvement especially by low LDL is not still not clarified. Studies with weekly apheresis with statins versus drug therapy alone are necessary. To clarify the controversial discussions of whether lowering Lp(a) may be unnecessary or necessary to arrest progression of CHD, more clinical and randomized studies are needed. Lipoprotein (a) can be also lowered by current LDL-apheresis methods.