We assess point and density forecasts from a mixed-frequency vector autoregression (VAR) to obtain intra-quarter forecasts of output growth as new information becomes available. The econometric model is specified at the lowest sampling frequency; high frequency observations are treated as different economic series occurring at the low frequency. We impose restrictions on the VAR to account explicitly for the temporal ordering of the data releases. Because this type of data stacking results in a high-dimensional system, we rely on Bayesian shrinkage to mitigate parameter proliferation. The relative performance of the model is compared to forecasts from various time-series models and the Survey of Professional Forecaster's. We further illustrate the possible usefulness of our proposed VAR for causal analysis.Keywords: Vector autoregression, Blocking model, Stacked vector autoregression, Mixedfrequency estimation, Bayesian methods, Nowcasting, Forecasting JEL Codes: C22, C52, C53 * We have benefited greatly from conversations with Bob Rasche. We are grateful to Domenico Giannone, Eric Ghysels and participants of seminars at the