Controlled adiabatic transfer of a single electron through a chain of quantum dots has been recently achieved in GaAs and Si/SiGe based quantum dots, opening prospects for turning stationary spin qubits into mobile ones, and solving in this way the problem of long-distance communication between quantum registers in a scalable quantum computing architecture based on quantum dots. We consider theoretically the process of such an electron transfer between two tunnel-coupled quantum dots, focusing on control by slowly varying the detuning of energy levels in the dots. We take into account the fluctuations in detuning caused by 1/f -type noise that is ubiquitous in semiconductor nanostructures, and analyze their influence on probability of successful transfer of an electron in a spin eigenstate. With numerical and analytical calculations we show that probability of electron not being transferred due to 1/f β noise in detuning is ∝ σ 2 t β−1 /v, where σ characterizes the noise amplitude, t is the interdot tunnel coupling, and v is the detuning sweep rate. Interestingly, this means that the noise-induced errors in charge transfer are independent of t for 1/f noise. For realistic parameters taken from experiments on silicon-based quantum dots, we obtain the minimal probability of charge transfer failure between a pair of dots is limited by 1/f noise in detuning to be the on order of 0.01. This means that in order to reliably transfer charges across many quantum dots, charge noise in the devices should be further suppressed, or tunnel couplings should be increased, in order to allow for faster transfer (and less exposure to noise), while not triggering the deterministic Landau-Zener excitation. arXiv:1909.11780v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall]