“…Structural practices include bioretention, infiltration wells/trenches, stormwater wetlands, level spreaders, permeable pavements, green roofs, swales, vegetated filter/buffer strips, sand filters, smaller culverts, and water harvesting systems (rain barrels/cisterns). Nonstructural practices consist of minimization of site R e t r a c t e d Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/9/18 7:36 AM disturbance, preservation of natural site conditions and feature, reduction and disconnection of impervious surfaces (ie elimination of curbs and gutters), native vegetation utilization, soil amendment and aerification, strategic grading, and minimization of grass lawns [21,22]. LID encourages processes such as filtration, onsite storage and detention, infiltration, evapotranspiration, adsorption, biodegradation precipitation, and percolation, among others, which reduce the need for a centralized best management practice [7,23,24].…”