The electrical and thermal Hall conductivities of the cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy, σxy and κxy, were measured in a magnetic field up to 35 T, at a hole concentration (doping) p = 0.11. In the T = 0 limit, we find that the Wiedemann-Franz law, κxy/T = (π 2 /3)(kB/e) 2 σxy, is satisfied for fields immediately above the vortex-melting field Hvs. This rules out the existence of a vortex liquid at T = 0 and it puts a clear constraint on the nature of the normal state in underdoped cuprates, in a region of the doping phase diagram where charge-density-wave order is known to exist. As the temperature is raised, the Lorenz ratio, Lxy = κxy/(σxyT ), decreases rapidly, indicating that strong small-q scattering processes are involved.