Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.A c.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. 1.1. Trends in microelectronics technology 1.2. Types oj parasitic coupling in mixed-signal circuits 2 Substrate noise characteristics and propagation This clzapter contains an exhaustive artempt to reveal the elementa/)' characteristics of substrate coupling. The aim of this part is to determine how coupling is affected by factors such as the type of wafer, (he type of coupled devices, the biasing of these devices, and layout and technology parameters.The chapter starts with a description of the mechanisl1ls by which circuit nodes interact wilh the substrate. Next, the way deviee characteristics -layout and technology parameters, device type and biasing-affect eoupling is studied with device simulations and experimental lIleasurements. Lastly, we analyze the way noise propagation is affected by the substrate tJpe or partieular biasing, assuming ideal groUllding conditions. In following chapters the consequences of /loll-ideal supplies Oll the results obtained will be analyzed.