trap charges. [7,10] These electrically active interface traps can adversely affect device performance by reducing charge carrier mobility, increasing subthreshold swing, and enhancing off-state current (reducing on/off ratio). [7] In addition, these charge impurities near the surface of 2D materials and different kinds of disorders can strongly suppress electronic interactions and control the electrical characteristics of the system. [11][12][13] Since the pioneering observation of metal-insulator transition (MIT) phenomena in 2D systems, carrier-carrier interaction has been widely considered as the driving force of MIT from the viewpoint of quantum phase transition. [14][15][16] However, the previous theories suggested that the relative strength of D t and carrier-carrier interaction in the system determine the physical origin of MIT. [17][18][19][20] In 2D layer materials, the strength of carrier-carrier interaction and disorders induced by interface traps, and defects can be modulated by controlling the thickness of the 2D channel, substrate engineering, and surface passivation. [2,21] In general, carrier-carrier interactions decrease with reducing thickness while localized D t increases significantly. Therefore, different kinds of transition mechanisms in 2D layered materials are expected depending on the thickness of the flake and the corresponding interface quality. Previously, it has been reported that the D t drastically increases when employing thin flakes since thinner 2D flakes are more susceptible to interface disorders than their thicker counterparts. [6,7,22] Thus, it is difficult to correctly identify the origin of MIT in a 2D material system when both carrier-carrier interactions and a large amount of localized trap states (≈10 13 cm -2 eV -1 ) induced from the channel and channel-gate dielectric interface effects come into play.In the past, some efforts have been made to explain the MIT in 2D MoS 2 , [23][24][25][26] ReS 2 , [27] CuInSe, [28] and WSe 2 . [29] However, most of these studies were limited to a certain channel thickness. Although a few studies have reported MIT in 2D materials, [23,[26][27][28][29][30] how localized D t interplays near a transition point with varying thickness of 2D flakes remains unclear. There is a need to systematically analyze the underlying mechanism of MIT with different thicknesses of 2D channels. Therefore, the objective of this study was to systematically investigate the MIT behavior observed in 2D WSe 2 devices by varying the thickness Localized trap density (D t ) at the 2D channel-gate dielectric interface and its relative strength to carrier-carrier interactions depending on the thickness of the 2D channel can determine the nature of a metal-insulator transition (MIT) in 2D materials. Here, the MIT occurring in WSe 2 devices is systematically analyzed by varying the WSe 2 thickness from ≈20 nm to monolayer to explore the effects of D t on MIT. The corresponding critical carrier density increases from ≈8.30 × 10 11 to 9.45 × 10 12 cm -2 and D t from ≈6.0...